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Agentless API Attack Surface Management

API Attack Surface Management (AASM) is an agentless detection solution tailored to the API ecosystem, designed to discover all external hosts with their APIs, identify missing WAF/WAAP solutions and mitigate API Leaks

4 Hosts

AASM is licensed based on the number of external hosts, which can be any valid subdomains with or without services. You can start a trial scan first to see which plan fits you best. Looking for more than a hundred hosts? Let’s chat about it!




Complete API Attack Surface Discovery including WAF score, API protocols & Schemas.




Billed at
per year for
API Hosts
Get 50% off on all plans, including annual plans, by the end of September 2024.
Start 7 days Trial


External API Hosts Discovery

APIs & Types Discovery

WAFs Discovery

API Leaks Discovery

Specific API protocols Discovery

WAF Score

API Schema Discovery


Extended support, Bug hunting services, volume discount, and DevSecOps Integrations.


Including 100+ hosts
let's chat


Everything in Core +

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

False positive reduction

Bug hunting services included

DevSecOps Integrations

Product Features


Discover all external hosts and their APIs
(including hosting e.g. CDN, IaaS, or PaaS providers)

Gain insights into the specific API protocols that your organization is using
(JSON-API, GraphQL, XML-RPC, JSON-RPC, OData, gRPC, WebSocket, SOAP, WebDav, HTML WEB and more)

Private API Schema Discovery
(E.g. Swagger/OpenAPI specifications unintentionally publicly available)

WAF Discovery
(Discovers if Web Apps and APIs are protected by WAFs/WAAPs)

WAF Score
(Assigns WAF Score based on its configuration and types of threats it can detect)

Leaked API Keys Detection

Leaked API Credentials Discovery
(User names, emails and passwords)

Leaked API Sensitive Technical Data Discovery
(API Tokens, Config files, backups, logs, source code)

Identify geolocation and data centers

Collaboration Features


API Integration

Compliance Features



Support and SLA


MS teams/Slack support

Email support response time

24 hours

4 hours

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Additional services


Bug hunting services included
(Bug hunting involves using penetration techniques to discover issues that scanners cannot find, or for specific compliance-related testing.) 

False positive reduction

loved by Developers.
Trusted by Security

The preferred choice for Security and DevOps teams seeking unparalleled Visibility, Comprehensive API Protection, and Automated Incident Response in product security programs.


Enterprise customers


Integrations and platforms


Protected apps and APIs

With Wallarm, we've been able to scale API protection to the scale we need and manage with our infrastructure as code approach.


APIs and apps protected

Gustavo Ogawa, Head of Security at Rappi

Ready to uncover your APIs and Leaks?

Get started in under a minute.
No installation required