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An overview of malware

Malware is a catch-all term for a variety of unpleasant softwareming variants such as viruses, ransomware, and spyware. Malware, short for malicious softwareming, is a type of code written by cybercriminals with the goal of causing widespread damage to data and systems, or gaining unauthorized access to a company. Virus is typically delivered by email as a link or document, requiring the recipient to click on the link or open the document in order to run the malware.

Since the mid-1970s, when the Creeper infestation first appeared, malware has posed a serious threat to individuals and organizations. Since then, the globe has been subjected to an onslaught of diverse malware variants, all with the goal of creating as much disruption and suffering as possible.

Suggesting that debating the most important aspect in malware and virus, for example, misses what's genuinely important: Because viruses are a sort of virus, they are all malware (yet only one out of every odd piece of malware is an virus).


What is the work of a malware?

Malware may taint businesses and gadgets, and it is meant to harm such businesses, gadgets, and consumers in some way. This mischief can have a number of topologies and may manifest itself to the client in a unique way depending on the type of malware. Malware can have a gentle and sympathetic impact at times, but it may also have a negative impact. Regardless of the technique, a wide range of malware is meant to abuse devices to the disadvantage of the client and to the benefit of the softwaremer - the one who designed and also distributed the virus.

History Of Malware

If one tracks the origin of malware, the fact that malware has existed from the time of computer invention comes to the surface immediately. The first functional computer came into being in 1982, and records reveal that the first malware was spotted in 1986. If we talk about the malware attack outside the computer domain, then mention of Creeper is a must. 

It was the world’s first reported malware that existed in 1971. It was the result of an accident. Robert Thomas, the then engineer at BBN, designed Creeper with an aim to corrupt the ARPANET’s mainframe. Various versions of this virus also existed.

When the internet was not there, the malware was used to reach the targeted system with the help of software, drives, CDs, and floppy disks. The rise of the internet in 1990 amplified malware spread and penetration. The term ‘malware’ was coined by Yisrael Radai, who was a very notorious security researcher during the 1990s.

As the internet was easily accessible and was not backed by strong security measures during its early days, malware spread was easy, quick, and on a large scale. 

At the beginning of the 1990s, Macro viruses impacted multiple copyrighted products of Microsoft Office. By the time the world reached the end of the 1990s, many viruses and malware surfaced. Jerusalem discovered a DOS-based virus in 1987, while the next known DOS-based virus came into being in 1991. In 1998, the CIH virus impacted Windows 9x heavily.  

In the 21st century, malware has become smart, resilient, and robust enough to bear any security protocols. Their frequency and impact factors have increased exponentially. Every 39 seconds, a cyber attack takes place, and most of them involve malware download or insertion. 

The world has been under attack by malware multiple times. Regin, a Trojan horse, affected many UK residents and US and did extensive monitoring. Thanatos malware was aimed directly at Bitcoin.

Locky malware infected more than 5,000 systems per hour in Germany alone. Malware is evolving continuously and finding new means to impact internet users.

How do malwares infect?

Malware writers utilize an assortment of physical and virtual intends to spread malware that taints gadgets and organizations. For instance, malignant projects can be conveyed to a framework with a USB drive or can spread over the web through drive-by downloads, which naturally download noxious projects to frameworks without the client's endorsement or information. Phishing assaults are another regular sort of malware conveyance where messages masked as authentic messages contain vindictive connections or connections that can convey the malware executable document to clueless clients. Refined malware assaults regularly include the utilization of an order and-control worker that empowers danger entertainers to speak with the contaminated frameworks, exfiltrate touchy information and even distantly control the undermined gadget or worker.

Arising strains of malware incorporate new avoidance and muddling strategies that are intended to trick clients as well as security executives and antimalware items too. A portion of these avoidance methods depend on straightforward strategies, for example, utilizing web intermediaries to conceal malevolent traffic or source IP addresses. More complex dangers incorporate polymorphic malware that can over and over change its hidden code to stay away from location from signature-based recognition apparatuses; hostile to sandbox strategies that empower the malware to recognize when it is being dissected and to defer execution until after it leaves the sandbox; and fileless malware that dwells just in the framework's RAM to try not to be found.

types of malware

Common types of malware

  1. Ransomware

In recent years, malware softwares that muddle your information and retain it as a prisoner waiting for a digital money payback have reached an all-time high, and the rate is continuously climbing. Ransomware has regularly disabled organizations, medical clinics, police offices, and surprisingly whole urban communities.

Most ransomware softwares are Trojans, which implies they should be spread through friendly designing or the like. When executed, most search for and scramble clients' documents inside a couple of moments, albeit a couple are presently taking a "sit back and watch" approach. By watching the client for a couple of hours prior to setting off the encryption standard, the malware administrator can sort out precisely how much payoff the casualty can bear and furthermore make certain to erase or encode other apparently safe reinforcements.

Ransomware can be forestalled very much like each and every kind of malware software, however once executed, it tends to be difficult to invert the harm without a decent, approved reinforcement. As per a few investigations, about a fourth of the casualties pay the payment, and of those, around 30% still don't get their records opened. In any event, if the documents are ever possible to access, it will require special gadgets, decoding keys, and more than a dash of karma. The greatest advice is to make sure you have a solid, unconnected backup of every fundamental record.

Ransomware scheme
  1. Trojan

PC worms have been supplanted by Trojan malware softwares as the weapon of decision for softwaremers. Trojans take on the appearance of real projects, however they contain malignant guidelines. They've been around everlastingly, significantly more than PC viruses, yet have grabbed hold of current PCs more than some other kind of malware.

A Trojan should be executed by its casualty to manage its job. Trojans typically show up through email or are pushed on clients when they visit contaminated sites. The most mainstream Trojan sort is the phony antivirus software, which springs up and claims you're tainted, at that point trains you to run a software to clean your PC. Clients swallow the lure and the Trojan flourishes.

Far off access Trojans (RATs) specifically have gotten well known among cybercriminals. Rodents permit the aggressor to assume distant responsibility for the casualty's PC, frequently with the goal to move along the side and taint a whole organization. This kind of Trojan is intended to stay away from location. Danger entertainers don't have to compose their own. Hundred of off-the-rack RATs are accessible in underground commercial centers.

Trojans are difficult to protect against for two reasons: They're not difficult to compose (digital hoodlums regularly produce and bird of prey Trojan-building units) and spread by deceiving end-clients — which a fix, firewall, and other customary safeguard can't stop. Malware journalists siphon out Trojans in large numbers every month. Antimalware providers make earnest efforts to tackle Trojans, but there are simply too many to keep track of.

Trojan daserf
  1. Worms

Worms have existed considerably longer than computer diseases, reaching back to the days of centralized systems. In the late 1990s, email popularized them, and for more than a decade, PC security specialists were targeted by harmful viruses disguised as message connections. When one employee opens a wormed email, the entire firm is suddenly poisoned.

The particular characteristic of the PC worm is that it's self-recreating. Take the infamous Iloveyou worm: When it went off, it hit virtually every email client on the planet, over-burden telephone frameworks (with falsely sent writings), cut down telecom companies, and surprisingly postponed my day by day evening paper for a large portion of a day. A few different worms, including SQL Slammer and MS Blaster, guaranteed the worm's place in PC security history.

What makes a compelling worm so crushing is its capacity to spread without end-client activity. Viruses, conversely, necessitate that an end-client at any rate kick it off, before it can attempt to contaminate other guiltless records and clients. Worms abuse different records and projects to accomplish the filthy work. For instance, the SQL Slammer worm utilized a (fixed) weakness in Microsoft SQL to cause cushion floods on virtually every unpatched SQL worker associated with the web in around 10 minutes, a speed record that actually stands today.

worms scheme
  1. Rootkits

Aggressors use rootkits to stow away malware on a gadget in a manner that permits it to continue undetected after some time, in some cases for quite a long time. During that time, it can take information or assets, or watch interchanges. Working framework based rootkits are adequately terrifying, yet firmware rootkits significantly more so. Both try to continue, stow away and avoid from cycles and methodology to kill them.

Piece or working framework rootkits for a long time were a hazardous danger to PCs. At that point Microsoft rolled out a significant improvement in the working framework with Microsoft Vista in 2006. It necessitated that sellers carefully sign drivers. This caused issues with printer drivers, yet more significantly caused malware scholars to change their assault techniques.

Piece Patch Protection (KPP) required malware creators to beat an advanced marking necessity. This implied that solitary the most exceptional assailants utilized rootkits as a component of their payload. Rootkits went from being profoundly used to just being seen in less than 1% of the malware yield for a long time.

  1. Backdoors

A backdoor is a way to get to a PC framework or encoded information that detours the framework's standard security systems.

A designer may make a backdoor with the goal that an application or working framework can be gotten to for investigating or different purposes. Nonetheless, assailants frequently use indirect accesses that they recognize or introduce themselves as a feature of an endeavor. Now and again, a worm or virus is intended to exploit a backdoor made by a previous assault.

Regardless of whether introduced as a managerial instrument, a methods for assault or as a system permitting the public authority to get to scrambled information, a backdoor is a security hazard on the grounds that there are consistently danger entertainers searching for any weakness to abuse.

In her 2000 article, "Who gets your trust?" security specialist Carole Fennelly utilized a similarity to represent the circumstance: "Consider moving toward a structure with an intricate security framework that does bio examines, record verifications, the works. Somebody who doesn't have the opportunity to go through everything that may very well apparatus up a back exit so they can venture out for a smoke - and afterward trust nobody gets some answers concerning it."

  1. Adware

Adware is any product application wherein publicizing pennants are shown while a software is running. The promotions are conveyed through spring up windows or bars that show up on the software's UI. Adware is generally made for PCs, however may likewise be found on cell phones.

The legitimization for adware is that it recuperates softwareming improvement costs for the product engineer, and decreases or disposes of the expense for the client.

A client's gadget might actually be contaminated with malignant adware if there has been a spike in information use, the presence of new toolbars on the client's internet browser, redirection of the client's web searches to publicizing sites, the presence of undesirable advertisements in spring up windows that can't be effortlessly shut or if the gadget runs gradually.

Most endpoint security suites can check for and eliminate adware, spyware and other malware softwares. Various softwareming applications, including Lavasoft's Ad-Aware and Bitdefender's Adware Removal Tool, are accessible free of charge to help PC clients look for and eliminate suspected spyware softwares.

To keep away from adware contaminations, clients ought to be knowing about the sorts of softwareming they download on the web, should peruse end-client permit arrangements prior to downloading free softwareming to see whether the product creators will lead data gathering on their gadgets, should go through a pop promotion blocker to keep startling windows from opening and ought to try not to tap on advertisements on the off chance that they are not being shown on a confided in website.

  1. Spyware

Spyware is regularly utilized by individuals who need to mind the PC exercises of friends and family. Obviously, in focused assaults, crooks can utilize spyware to log the keystrokes of casualties and access passwords or licensed innovation.

Adware and spyware softwares are normally the simplest to eliminate, frequently in light of the fact that they aren't close to as detestable in their aims as different sorts of malware. Track down the malevolent executable and keep it from being executed — you're finished.

A lot greater worry than the genuine adware or spyware is the instrument it used to misuse the PC or client, be it social designing, unpatched softwareming, or twelve other root abuse causes. This is on the grounds that albeit a spyware or adware software's aims are not as noxious, as say, a backdoor distant access trojan, the two of them utilize similar strategies to break in. The presence of an adware/spyware software should fill in as a notice that the gadget or client has a type of shortcoming that should be remedied, before genuine disagreeableness comes calling.

  1. Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking is the unapproved utilization of another person's PC to mine digital currency. Softwaremers do this by either getting the casualty to tap on a malevolent connection in an email that heaps cryptomining code on the PC, or by tainting a site or online promotion with JavaScript code that auto-executes once stacked in the casualty's software.

In any case, the cryptomining code at that point works behind the scenes as clueless casualties utilize their PCs regularly. The solitary sign they may see is more slow execution or slacks in execution.

Softwaremers have two essential approaches to get a casualty's PC to covertly mine digital forms of money. One is to fool casualties into stacking cryptomining code onto their PCs. This is done through phishing-like strategies: Victims get an authentic looking email that urges them to tap on a connection. The connection runs code that puts the cryptomining script on the PC. The content at that point runs behind the scenes as the casualty works.

The other strategy is to infuse a content on a site or a promotion that is conveyed to different sites. When casualties visit the site or the tainted advertisement springs up in their softwares, the content naturally executes. No code is put away on the casualties' PCs. Whichever strategy is utilized, the code runs complex numerical issues on the casualties' PCs and sends the outcomes to a worker that the softwaremer controls.

Cryptojacking scheme
  1. Malvertising

Malvertising, not to be confused with adware, is the use of legitimate adverts or marketing groups to secretly deliver malware to unsuspecting clients' PCs. For example, a cybercriminal may pay to place a marketing on a legitimate website. At the point when a client taps on the advertisement, code in the promotion either diverts them to a malignant site or introduces malware on their PC. At times, the malware implanted in a promotion may execute naturally with no activity from the client, a method alluded to as a "drive-by download."

Cybercriminals have likewise been known to bargain real advertisement networks that convey promotions to numerous sites. That is frequently how mainstream sites, for example, the New York Times, Spotify and the London Stock Exchange have been vectors for malignant advertisements, placing their clients in danger.

The objective of cybercriminals who use malvertising is to bring in cash, obviously. Malvertising can convey any kind of cash making malware, including ransomware, cryptomining contents or banking Trojans.

Real Life Examples of Malware

Numerous malware assaults happen quietly, for certain casualties never at any point acknowledging they were focused on. Be that as it may, different occasions, a malware assault is so risky thus broad, it sends shockwaves all throughout the planet. Here are the absolute most famous malware models:

The historical backdrop of malware starts during the 1960s. Around then, softwaremers made PC viruses primarily for no particular reason, showing commonly innocuous messages that at that point spread to different PCs. It wasn't until the last part of the 1980s that malware turned terrible. The main illustration of a harming virus, the Vienna virus, debased information and annihilated documents. The Vienna virus prompted the formation of the world's first antivirus software.

In 2017, WannaCry arose and immediately turned into the biggest ransomware assault ever. It spread to 150 nations, tainting at a frightening pace of 10,000 PCs each hour. WannaCry incapacitated governments, medical clinics, and colleges all throughout the planet, causing an expected $4 billion in harms.

Likewise in 2017, more ransomware assaults, called Petya and NotPetya, sprinkled onto the scene. These worldwide malware assaults likewise spread all over, with especially harming impacts in Ukraine, where the public bank was hit. The Petya group of ransomware came about in around $10 billion in harms around the world.

Softwaremers pulled off perhaps the most destroying information penetrates in history when they figured out how to break Equifax (additionally in 2017, which was a troublesome year for network protection). One of the four significant credit revealing departments, Equifax keeps exceptionally delicate information including government managed retirement numbers, Visa numbers, advance and obligation data, ledger subtleties, birthday events, and that's just the beginning. Softwaremers had the option to get to the individual information of 143 million individuals in the hack. In case you're a US resident, or have at any point worked in the US, you were presumably influenced by this break.

In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic shook the worldwide scene, influencing virtually every individual and each industry on the planet — softwaremers paid heed. Numerous cybercriminals exploited individuals' dread of the novel Covid to sell COVID-19 related phishing tricks. From ridiculing the World Health Organization to extending to counterfeit distant employment opportunities, softwaremers utilized phony interchanges to send malware and capture touchy individual information to use for wholesale fraud and different purposes. Unmistakably cybercriminals know no limits with regards to unleashing computerized destruction.

How to Recognize Malware

Numerous individuals have definitely no clue about that a malware assault has focused on their PC until it is past the point of no return. Essential purposes behind succumbing to malware assaults are having no antivirus softwareming introduced on the PC, having obsolete antivirus softwareming, or having helpless perusing propensities like visiting dubious sites and clicking joins from obscure senders.

Malware variations are developing at a mind blowing pace and are socially designed to fool clients into downloading them. Malware assaults can clear out your number one music records, pictures, recordings, and reports - quickly! They can secure your PC making it inoperable or record your perusing exercises and take private financial subtleties.

Here are a few hints to distinguish malware assaults on your PC: Your PC will show certain side effects when it gets tainted with malware. It is imperative to know the majority of these side effects since they will help guarantee that you identify the presence of the malware on schedule. This will assist you with disposing of the pernicious software before it has sufficient opportunity to harm both your PC and your information.

Symptoms to watch out for

  1. Annoying Pop-up Messages On Your Computer Screen

It might be a malware assault if you notice unusual pop-up messages on your computer screen. Adware is a form of malware that causes pop-ups to appear on your screen. Adware's main purpose is to obtain authorization, which will allow it to inject additional harmful softwares.

Assuming you download that extra softwareming, it might erase or take your information. A portion of these spring up messages can likewise be utilized to just assault your PC with undesirable data like ads. The most ideal approach to dispose of malware, for example, adware is to utilize a decent antivirus softwareming like Comodo Antivirus.

  1. Your Computer Becomes Sluggish And Inoperable At Times

Since malware softwares your PC assets to work, they can overpower your PC by taking up a great deal of CPU and memory assets. This can hinder your PC and here and there make it unusable.

Some malware utilizes your web association with offer admittance to the far off softwaremer. This may hinder your web association with an enormous degree, making it hard for you to peruse the web.

On the off chance that your PC has abruptly eased back down, you ought to introduce a decent antivirus software. An antivirus software will forestall the malware from running foundation assets. It can likewise segregate the malware, holding it back from utilizing your PC's memory.

  1. Your Files Are Missing or Deleted Without Your Knowledge

When malware contaminates your PC framework, it can change the name of its records. It can likewise execute applications that will move your documents starting with one organizer then onto the next. Some malware can even totally wipe your information put away on the PC.

On the off chance that this is going on to your PC, the time has come to have it outfitted with a decent antivirus software as it will help battle malware assaults.

  1. For Businesses

Malware attacks on businesses and devices have been on the rise recently all across the world. To taint endpoints, softwaremers are propagating new variants of amazing malware. Not only have we observed an increase in malware attacks, but the sophistication of malware has also increased.

For such situations, Comodo Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) is the ideal arrangement as it gives total insurance against any malware assaults including zero-day assaults. All gratitude to the inherent regulation motor of Comodo AEP, any obscure documents including obscure malware gets consequently contained in a safe virtual climate.

Each sort of malware has its own extraordinary method of causing ruin, and most depend on client activity or the like. A few strains are conveyed over email through a connection or executable record. Others are conveyed through texting or web-based media. Indeed, even cell phones are defenseless against assault. It is fundamental that associations know about all weaknesses so they can set out a powerful line of protection.

Easy Ways to Get Rid of Malwares

We should talk about security now that you know a little more about malware and the numerous flavors it comes in. When it comes to assurance, there are two areas to consider: defensive instruments and client carefulness. The first is frequently the most effortless to execute, basically in light of the fact that you can regularly set and fail to remember top tier defensive softwareming that oversees and refreshes itself. Clients, then again, can be inclined to enticement ("look at this cool site!") or handily drove by different feelings like dread ("introduce this antivirus softwareming right away"). Instruction is vital to guarantee clients know about the danger of malware and how they can deal with forestall an assault.

Here are some prevention tips:

  1. In the case of malware, prevention is always preferable to cure. Fortunately, using good judgment and following simple procedures can reduce your chances of running into any bad applications.
  1. On the internet, don't put your confidence in strangers. The most commonly acknowledged approach for transmitting malware is social networking, which might include strange messages, surprising alerts, fraudulent profiles, and interest-stimulating offers. Do not tap on it if you are unsure of what it is.
  1. Make sure your downloads are correct. Malware is always lurking behind the corner, from pilfering hotspots to real shop facades. So, before to downloading, double-check that the supply is trustworthy by carefully reading surveys and comments.
  1. Get an advertisement blocker. Malvertising – where softwaremers go through tainted standards or pop promotions to contaminate your gadget – is on the ascent. You can't know which advertisements are terrible: so it's more secure to simply hinder them all with a dependable promotion blocker.
  1. Careful where you peruse. Malware can be found anyplace, however it's generally normal in sites with poor backend security, similar to little, neighborhood sites. In the event that you stick to enormous, legitimate destinations, you seriously lessen your danger of experiencing malware.
  1. Sadly, even if you follow the above recommendations to the letter, you may still be infected with malware, since hackers have figured out how to infiltrate malware into every area of the internet. Regarding true protection, you must combine strong online habits with excellent and trustworthy anti-malware software, such as AVG AntiVirus FREE, which detects and prevents malware before it infects your PC, Mac, or mobile device.

Malware Removal

Malware is causing serious damage if it remains unnoticed. Starting from stealing crucial data to manipulating admin access, malware can make tons of things happen. Hence, its effective removal remained the first priority for any organization and cyber security professionals.

Gladly, it’s easy to remove it. There are a couple of tried and tested malware removal techniques that work on PC, phones, and other devices with the same ease and perfection.

Remove Malware on Windows or Mac

Malware removal from Mac or Windows is a tedious task to do as it involves multiple steps and a strategic approach. Here is the key excerpt on the standard malware removal approaches.

  • Stop internet connection

Once you spot the presence of malware, cut off the device from the internet. Disable the router, data card, or any other internet connectivity means from your computer.

Internet is the most common malware delivery means. In fact, some of the malware needs an internet connection for data transmission and other actions. When you disconnect your device from the internet, you break the malware and hacker connection, which leads to damage control.

  • Run the computer in safe mode and boot it

Safe mode helps one to use a system with limited capabilities. So, run your computer in safe mode and initiate the booting process. This mode is available on most computers. Based on the device, you must follow different steps.

For instance, Mac computers can go into safe mode by simply restarting them and pressing and holding the Shift key before the logo shows up. Hold it for a while. When the screen appears, enter the password and safe mode will be activated.

To make your Windows-based computer go into safe mode, simply long-press the Ctrl + F8 and select the safe mode option from the given list. Make sure you run safe mode without networking.

When you have activated safe mode on the respective computer, it’s a sign that not all the system files are impacted by the malware. So, there is a ray of hope for the victim as clean-up will be easy.  In case you’re having trouble initiating safe mode, try the computer wipe process.

  • Use a malware scanner

You must use a thumb drive for anti-virus installation. Perform a scan and spot the existing vulnerabilities. For the highest degree of malware detection, we suggest you use multiple anti-virus software for detailed threat detection.

  • Replace the default browser

The direct target of malware is the default browser. So, you need to replace it for sure. Get rid of the existing browser and install a different and updated version. While you’re uninstalling the default browser, don’t forget to remove the cache, as it’s important to ensure complete malware removal.

  • Re-confirm the removal of the malware

Begin a customary start-up and booting process to ensure that malware is 100% gone. Keep an eye on the processing speed and system performance as any malfunctioning at these fronts indicates malware presence. Conduct malware scanning to be double sure.

Computer Wipe

This technique involves removing all the saved data, software, files, and everything else that the infected device stores and features. In complex systems, malware detection can be a highly tedious task and can even take months. 

If malware is deadly, a single-day delay in malware removal can lead to serious damage. Hence, emptying the computer or device completely is the only preferred choice. Here is how you can make this happen:

  • Use a new or clean computer for taking the backup. Generate an install drive on this clean system by simply downloading the ISO file and creating a bootable flash drive.  
  • Take the data back-up from the influenced computer using a hard disk or cloud.

Start booting using the Internet Recovery approach or USB drive. After booting is done, install the OS on the internal hard drive of the system so that data overwrite happens automatically.

Again boot the system using the internal drive and continue with the setup.  

Once installation is done, install antivirus software first. Get the data from a backup drive or cloud. Scan the data for the presence of any corrupted content with the help of anti-virus software. Start using the computer like before.

Remove Malware On Android or iOS.

Android and iOS are the two most commonly targeted OS. Malware of all sorts exists to harm these OS. However, malware removal in iOS and Android is not the same as computer malware removal. The standard process for phones involves the below-mentioned steps:

  • Reboot the infected device to get rid of installed viruses.
  • Uninstall the suspected apps and monitor the permission level of the app. If an app has granted too many requests, restrict them.
  • Use different network connections. At times, malware is linked to an internet connection. Switching the network can fix this issue.
  • Use different passwords for all the key accounts like Gmail, Google Drive, or iCloud. If your previous password wasn’t so strong, set a strong password this time. It’s better to use MFA or 2FA for data protection.
  • If you follow all the above steps and you still find any malware or find your mobile phone acting strangely, a computer wipe is the only way out.


Malware has a considerably reduced probability of delivering its payload if you have robust client strategies in place and the correct enemy of malware arrangements continually monitoring the organization, email, internet requests, and other behaviors that might put your business at danger.


How can malware affect industrial control systems (ICS)?
How can I protect my computer from malware?
What are the signs of malware infection?
How does malware infect a computer?
What is malware?


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