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NERC CIP (Critical Infrastructure Protection) - How to be compliant?

NERC has the duty to preserve the security and reliability of the US's bulk transmission lines. In order to carry out this goal, the institute has released a number of CIP safety needs that act as the foundational security protocols for the organizations engaged in the production, transportation, and delivery/conveyance of electrical energy. 

The power-distribution managers in that area must strive to follow NERC’s security essentials, which consist of network monitoring for security-related flaws, to operate within its jurisdiction, which encompasses the US, Canada, and a share of Baja California in Mexico. 

The obligatory safety protocols that pertain to businesses that own or oversee sites that are a component of the American and Canadian energy systems are known as the NERC CIP guidelines. FERC first approved them in 2008. Their diverse beneficiaries encourage the governed entities to spend significantly. 

They, therefore, have aided in laying the groundwork for the electric profitability industry throughout North America to become more conscious of IT defense. But what should constitute their research mandatory reading for factory managers globally is their basis as a blueprint for a rising skeleton of the Computer OS’s security-specific procedures. 

However, in this guide to NERC CIP, everything will be discussed, from NERC CIP compliance and benchmarks to needs and so on.

NERC CIP (Critical Infrastructure Protection) - How to be compliant?

NERC: A Quick Overview

North-American Electric Reliability Corporation is a non-profit overseas governmental organization that seeks to guarantee the significant decline of risks to the power's trustworthiness and secrecy.

Through system awareness, which it also employs to develop and execute specifications that must be fulfilled, analyze seasonal and long-term uniformity annually, and train, indoctrinate, and accredit business personnel, NERC meticulously evaluates the architecture of the energy industry.

The NERC has authority over the continental US, Canada, and the northernmost area of Baja California, Mexico.

As the region's Power Stability Program, NERC is governed by the authorities like FERC and ERO. NERC's jurisdiction extends to end-users, owners, and managers of the original network, which supplies energy to over 400 million inhabitants.

What is NERC CIP?

If you’re wondering about NERC CIP meaning, it’s a nonprofit multinational regulating body called the NERC’s Critical Infrastructure Protection. This strategy is a set of guidelines crafted to regulate, execute, govern, and superintend the stability of the Broad Energy Scheme (BES) in North America. These instructions particularly pertain to BES's safety features. 

NERC CIP locates and safeguards the fundamental capabilities affecting the BES. It does so via a cybersecurity scheme, helping it deliver energy efficiently and reliably.

What Makes NERC’s CIP Compliance Crucial?

NERC and its intergovernmental institutions consider adherence very sincerely to guarantee reliable and efficient electricity supply to all consumers. Consequently, through routine evaluations and regular inspections, NERC’s Conformity Tracking and Enforcement Program keeps a record of, evaluates, and maintains the standardized conformance of protected organizations.

The NERC CIP requirements must be followed by all North American protected organizations. You could face charges, penalties, or other consequences if you don't cooperate. Being a global entity, NERC fines may vary depending on the country.

Administrators, managers, and consumers of the industrial electrical network must satisfy the two fundamental components of adherence and security—in order to be NERC CIP Accredited. The capacity of the bulk energy grid to properly supply consumers with electricity at the proper voltage and frequency level is always referred to as resilience. Consumers spend for and depend on electricity to keep the globe running. 

Within reasonable limits, industrial electric utilities must be ready for unforeseen disruptions and spikes in consumption. Both demand and supply should be balanced, and this equilibrium must always be maintained constantly.

Over time, NERC CIP compliance security needs have evolved. Originally, the only unanticipated power cuts and loose connections that bulk electric utilities had to be ready with were weather-related. But it’s a fresh day, and there are unique dangers. Both digital and physical terrorism assaults pose a very dangerous challenge. For would-be attackers, key critical items would make excellent objectives. 

As a result, networks must now be protected against artificial dangers in order to be NERC CIP compliant. The degree of protection for mass energy systems, real security agents, and firewalls has increased significantly.

History NERC-CIP Standards 

The timeline of NERC CIP standards is as under:

  1. 1968

The NERC was established in 1968 by the electricity company to develop guidelines for managing mass power energy conversion. The NERC’s norms and laws were initially optional, and breaking them would not have severe penalties. However, numerous people in the business adhered to people because of how helpful they were.

  1. The shutdown of 2003

A severe outage struck the northern region of North America in 2003. This outage, which is still the largest in US records, was caused by numerous mistakes and failures that snowballed into a major problem for a multitude of individuals. Shortly after, a probe revealed that the power infrastructure required improved security.

  1. ERO (2005)

ERO, aka Electric Reliability Organization, was established as a result of the catastrophic outage. The NERC was appointed as this entity by FERC with the authority to control the power sector for stability and safety formally.

  1. 2008: Order 706

The NERC was given the prerogative permission—to enact laws and make rules to avoid disruptions because it had judicial support and influence. In 2008, Order 706—the first collection of regulations—was released. This collection of laws, referred to as the CIP provided everyone with an energy control algorithm to adhere to.

  1. 2009: CIP-2

The CIP’s guidelines and standards proved insufficient over a period to adequately safeguard the electricity network. After much perseverance and labor, the NERC finally released CIP-2 in 2009. With this modification, a great deal of the initial CIP’s unclear and deceptive wording was eliminated.

  1. 2010: CIP-3

Accessibility to vital regions and equipment was the focus of the third CIP shift. Since this shift was so significant, there wasn’t much time between CIP-2 and CIP-3. Yet after CIP-3 was released, progress on CIP-4 to handle additional electricity-related concerns got underway rapidly.

  1. 2012: CIP-4

Despite the NERC’s incredible work on CIP-4, the recent additions weren’t accepted immediately and took numerous implementations before they did. Essentially, CIP-4 sought to alter the NERC’s methodology for identifying critical infrastructure, which created plenty of domestic conflicts. After some negotiation, an agreement was reached, and the FERC authorized the revised CIP.

  1. 2013: CIP-5

It can be challenging to pinpoint everyone’s motivations, but the CIP-5 was released very soon after the CIP-4. In truth, CIP-5 didn’t even take effect fully until after the CIP conformance date. The problems that afflicted the industry were successfully handled by CIP-5, which also treated some additional issues.

  1. Emergency Action in 2014

For the subsequent years, there was a respite from the rapid distribution of CIPs, with proposed guidelines but no significant modifications to the infrastructure appearing. That seems to be, until an assault on a Metcalf facility. 

Complaints about the security systems of these facilities have been raised after a group of shooters shot a number of generators. Following this assault, the NERC instituted a variety of significant modifications and new rules that resulted in CIP-14, a new benchmark for enhancing base protection throughout North America, within 90 days.

  1. 2016: CIP-6

After CIP-5, as previously stated, there would be less of a hurry to release the following guidelines. After several years of writing and changes, the revised CIP-6 guidelines were unveiled for acceptance by the modifications team.

The lengthy period between CIP-5 and CIP-6 has caused many issues and difficulties to worsen. As a result, CIP-6 had to deal with a number of issues, including supply chain protection, to ensure that the energy infrastructure was protected from contemporary cybersecurity incidents and assaults. A significant portion of CIP-6 was also devoted to tidying up rules to address a variety of problems and remove any ambiguity.

  1. Mexico NERC CIP in 2017

In a noteworthy action in 2017, the NERC declared it would begin enforcing its laws and guidelines in Mexico, bringing the nation’s energy and system configuration underneath its jurisdiction. It is due to how the electrical networks engage with one another and how they intersect.

  1. Extreme energy savings in 2018-19

More than a few jurisdictions and networks began to exhibit serious energy problems in the latter part of 2018. The NERC was very concerned about this and issued an executive order for energy efficiency to allay the system’s poor condition.

NERC CIP requirements

The elementary guidelines and sub-guidelines of NERC CIP outline the NERC CIP security needs that business units must adhere to recognize important components, establish regulatory mechanisms, implement the logical/physical network security, and reclaim any impacted investments after a cybersecurity event.

Core Points Covered in NERC CIP compliance 

The core NERC CIP compliance checklist is shown below:

CIP-002-5.1a BES Cyber System Categorization

The objective of this standard is to recognize and classify BES Computer Networks (Cyber Assets, alternatively). The objective is to guarantee that these assets are adequately safeguarded against breaches that might cause erroneous processes or BES volatility.

The classification process includes ranking different BES Computer Systems according to how any disruption to a consistent power supply will affect them. What counts is the duration of the disruption, not the reason.

According to this norm, cyber-assets fall into the below-mentioned broad categories:

  • Systems for Real Entry Control (PACS)
  • Electronic Surveillance or Access-Control Devices
  • Safeguarded Cyber Properties

CIP-003-8 Security Mngt. Controls

To create duty and culpability for protecting BES Network Infrastructure against breaches that might cause malfunction or volatility in the Broad Electric Station by defining uniform and long-lasting digital safety control mechanisms.

What it signifies: Businesses should describe the deployed security measures to safeguard the properties specified in the prior part. This is the uppermost stage and is vital to CISOs and digital security coordinators because it provides insight into measures, accountable parties, and actions done to protect organizational assets.

CIP-004-6 Personnel & Training

The main emphasis of this guideline is educating staff members and freelancers. Its goal is to lessen BES’s vulnerability to personnel-related cybersecurity threats. The instruction is divided into two sections:

Teaching and knowledge in cyber protection

Every 15 months, all personnel must go through training, particularly if individuals have to deal with significant BES Computer Systems and networks.

Password protection and risk assessment

This covers initiatives for managing entry rights for people as well as initiatives for assessing their risk.

CIP-005-6 Electronic Security Perimeter(s)

To regulate online access to BES Computer Systems and networks by defining a regulated Electronic Security Barrier in order to safeguard BES Computer Networks from a breach that might cause malfunction or disruption in the BES.

CIP-005 is concerned with restricting internet connectivity to the vital resources mentioned in CIP-002. This is a specific problem in the modern environment where factory control mechanisms are becoming more connected. The threats to the electrical network significantly rise as the business pushes toward ever-greater statistics and distant communication. 

In an effort to lessen some of these dangers, CIP-005 was created. The primary emphasis of this prerequisite is the surveillance and upkeep of connectivity division and security systems, particularly vendor as well as other third-party web monitoring.

CIP-006-6 Physical Security of BES Cyber-Systems

The tactical and tangible measures for a corporeal security strategy, guest monitoring system, and upkeep and testing procedure are covered by this benchmark:

Plan for physical protection

It uses formally recorded practical and routine constraints to limit bodily access.

Guest management strategy

It sets out rules for controlling visitors, such as offering guards and keeping a thorough guest record for a minimum of ninety days.

Tool for repair and evaluation

All PACS and the Physical Security Barrier should be tested every two years.

CIP-007-6 System Security Management

In order to protect all networks inside of ESPs, such as both critical and non-critical Network Systems, this specification describes the technological, functional, and administrative components.

The following is a list of these components:

  • Services and harbors
  • Safety updates
  • Access restrictions
  • Security incident tracking
  • Avoidance of vulnerabilities

CIP-008-6 Incident Reporting and Response Planning

It tackles three crucial conformance regions:

Reaction strategy for cybersecurity incidents

It describes the procedure for locating, categorizing, and handling cybercrime events.

Assessment and execution of the incident reaction strategy

Every 15 months, the incident reaction strategy should be evaluated.

Evaluation, revision, and interaction of the incident reaction strategy

Within 90 days of a network intrusion, any modifications to the strategy must be shared with the key parties.

CIP-009-6 Recovery Plans for BES Cyber-Systems

Specifications for recovery

It includes the major circumstances in which the strategy ought to be implemented and the particular duties of those assisting.

Rehabilitation plan execution and evaluation

The strategies should undergo at least one real incident reaction experiment and one practice drill every 15 months.

Recuperation plan assessment, update, and interaction

Within 90 days of a real event or a practice drill, the rehabilitation plan should be reviewed, updated, and communicated to all pertinent parties.

CIP-010-3 Configuration Change Management and Vulnerability Assessments

It outlines three categories of adherence:

Handling of setup modification

Establish a standard permission procedure for networks, software platforms, and applications.

Tracking of configuration

You need to check the benchmark for illegal alterations every 35 days.

Susceptibility evaluations

Every 15 months, carry out a risk evaluation.

CIP-011-2 Information Protection

This guideline outlines the criteria for identifying data that, if intentionally abused, breached, or misappropriated, could have an effect on BES’s ability to operate. The repurpose and destruction of BES Cyber belongings as well as information security procedures, are also specified.

CIP-013-1 Supply Chain Risk Management

To implement protection mechanisms for the risk assessment of BES computer systems and networks' supply chain in order to lessen the risks that information security poses to the BES's ability to function dependably.

CIP-014-2 Physical Security

Its purpose is to locate and safeguard transmission terminals, power stations, and the ultimate control facilities connected to them to prevent destabilization, unrestrained detachment, or spiraling within connectivity should any of these be rendered unusable or harmed because of physical assault.


Agreement with NERC CIP is a difficult procedure that never ends. To keep accountability, companies must regularly evaluate their safety method and make adjustments as needed. You must better grasp the general extent of the structure and what is necessary after reading the NERC-CIP basics. 

Remember that this is a labor-intensive procedure continually being modified to account for the evolving digital context. An organization will likely achieve future regulation conformance if it uses NERC CIP and other standards as its benchmarks.


What are some best practices for maintaining NERC CIP compliance?
What are the consequences of non-compliance with NERC CIP?
How can an organization become NERC CIP compliant?
What are the requirements for NERC CIP compliance?
Who needs to be compliant with NERC CIP?
What is NERC CIP?
What is the purpose of NERC CIP standards?
What are the penalties for non-compliance with NERC CIP standards?
Who must comply with NERC CIP standards?
What are the requirements for NERC security?
What is NERC and what is its function?
What are NERC standards cyber security?
What is NERC security?

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