Security Edge Datasheet
Are you still sending your API traffic through a CDN that can't actually protect it? Wallarm's Security Edge is a new way to secure your APIs at the API Edge.
Are you still sending API traffic through useless CDNs? APIs aren’t suitable for caching, and CDNs don’t provide effective API protection. Sending API traffic through a CDN is both costly and ineffective. Traditional approaches that rely on CDNs, WAFs, and other legacy tools are no longer sufficient for modern APIs.
API Security That Works
Securing modern and legacy APIs requires comprehensive API discovery, API posture management, and real-time API threat protection. Wallarm delivers cutting edge protection that detects and blocks API attacks.
Hosted, Managed, Simplified
Infrastructure, deployment, and monitoring are all handled by Wallarm, reducing the resources required from the customer. Wallarm ensures that nodes are kept up to date and functional, removing maintenance requirements from customers.
Low Latency, Lower Cost
Fully hosted and hybrid deployments offer the advantage of simplicity and lower cost of ownership, but when full data privacy is required, Wallarm supports a fully on-premises deployment. There’s no need for your data to ever exit your control.
CDNs are designed to optimize content delivery with "caches" geographically distributed as close to end users as possible.
Security Edge
Security Edge is built for API protection, with traffic filtering nodes distributed as close to the API's edge as possible.
Wallarm helps you develop fast and stay secure.